Professional Grade Homeopathy at Daisy Family Health Care.
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We have partnered with Newton Homeopathics and DesBio to provide homeopathy therapy. Homeopathy is a complete system of healing with its own method of diagnosing and its own special remedies. Homeopathy was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago. Homeopathics have no known harmful side effects, may be used by everyone, including pets, and can be administered for both acute and chronic conditions (newton labs, 2021).
We use professional clinical homeopathy at Daisy.
Natural care at daisy.
Homeopathics are made from small amounts of plant, animal and mineral substances prepared by a process whereby a minute amount of substance is highly diluted and succussed (vigorously shaken). Scientists have theorized that homeopathy may function similar to the way enzymes or hormones function in the body. Although they are found in similar miniscule amounts, they are believed to have very powerful effects.
People are returning to homeopathy because they understand that in order to achieve health, one must discover the root cause of disease and not just treat the symptoms (newton labs, 2021).
Transparent Pricing:
Per Visit cost $150 – Members $0 per visit
Homeopathy is $22-$45 per bottle
Members save 25%
This is for someone who has some knowledge of homeopathy. If you are not sure, and will need us to dig a little deeper and help with root causes, this is functional medicine. Please schedule a functional medicine visit with Angela…pricing is different for functional medicine.